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时间:2023-10-25 16:05:04  来源:闽商界  作者:闽商界  点击:



通知指出,党支部是党的基础组织,是党在社会基层组织中的战斗堡垒,是党一切工作和战斗力的基础。 担负着直接教育党员、管理党员、监督党员和组织群众、宣传群众的职责,凝聚起为人民服务、为人民服务的责任。 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视党支部建设,要求把全面从严治党落实到每个支部、每个党员身上推动形成以基层、支部为重点的全党体系。 势头良好,取得了显著成果。 当前,推进伟大斗争、伟大工程、伟大事业、伟大梦想,必须贯彻新时代党的组织路线,把党支部建设放在更加突出的位置,加强党支部规范化、规范化建设,不断提高党支部建设质量。 。

通知指出,《条例》以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,贯彻党章要求,不仅发扬“支部建在公司”的光荣传统,也体现基层创造的新做法、新经验,为党支部的工作做出贡献。 全面达标是新时代党支部建设的基本原则。 《条例》的制定实施,对于加强党的组织体系建设,推动全面从严治党向基层延伸,全面提高党支部组织能力,强化政治职能具有重要意义。加强党支部建设,夯实党长期执政的组织基础。 意义。

通知强调,重视党支部、善于抓党支部,是党员领导干部政治成熟的重要标志。 各级党委(党组)要牢固树立政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,切实把党支部作为党的组织体系建设的基本内容、管治治党的基本任务抓牢。党建工作,检验党建工作成效。 基本标准,采取有效措施,推动条例实施并取得有效成效。 要做好《条例》的学习宣传贯彻,利用报纸、广播、电视、手机、网络等媒体,通过专题研讨会、集中培训等方式,使党各级组织和广大党员特别是党支部书记,能够深刻领会《条例》精神,全面掌握《条例》内容,切实增强贯彻落实《条例》的思想意识和行动意识。规定”。 要加强党员领导干部培训,将《条例》纳入党委(党组)理论学习中心组学习内容和党校(行政学院)教育课程,提高各级领导班子做好党支部工作、推进党支部建设的能力。 。 要加强监督检查,对不按规定执行的,严肃追究责任。 中组部要会同有关部门加强监督执行,确保各项规定落到实处。



第一章 一般规定

第一条 为坚持和加强党的全面领导,发扬“支部立于公司”的光荣传统,落实党管党全面从严治党的要求,全面提高组织力量为充分发挥党支部的战斗堡垒作用,夯实党的长期执政的组织基础,根据符合《中国共产党章程》和有关党内法规。

第二条 党支部是党的基层组织,是党组织开展工作的基本单位,是党在社会基层组织中的战斗堡垒,是党的一切工作和战斗力的基础,负责直接教育党员、管理党员、监督党员和组织群众、宣传群众、团结群众、服务群众的职责。

第三条 党支部的工作必须遵循以下原则:


(二)坚持把党的政治建设放在第一位,牢固树立“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”,做到“四个服从”,旗帜鲜明讲政治,坚决维护核心和党中央总书记习近平的核心价值观。 全党的核心地位,坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导。




第二章 组织设置

第四条 党支部的设立一般以单位和地区为单位,以独立设立为主要方式。 企业、农村、机关、学校、科研院所、社区、社会团体、解放军、武警部队连(中队)以及其他有正式党员三人以上的基层单位,应当建立党支部。




正式党员3人以下的单位,应当按照地理位置接近、行业相近、规模适度、便于管理的原则,设立联合党支部。 联合党支部一般不超过5个单位。



第六条 党支部的设立一般由基层单位提出申请,由所在镇(街道)、单位基层党委召开会议研究决定批准。 审批时间一般不超过1个月。

经基层党委批准后,基层单位召开党员会议,选举党支部委员会或者不设委员会的党支部书记、副书记。 批准和选举结果由基层党委报上级党委组织部备案。


第七条 对因党员人数或者所在单位、地区发生变化不再具备设立条件的党支部,上级党组织应当及时调整或者撤销。

党支部的调整和撤销,一般由党支部报所在地镇(街道)或者单位基层党委批准。 也可以由所在镇(街道)、单位党委直接作出决定,报上级党委组织部备案。

第八条 为执行一定任务而临时成立的组织,党员关系不转移的,经上级党组织批准,可以设立临时党支部。




第三章 基本任务

第九条 党支部的基本任务是:

(一)宣传和贯彻党的理论、路线、方针、政策,宣传贯彻党中央、上级党组织和党支部的决议。 讨论决定或参与本地区、本部门、本单位的重大事项决策,充分发挥党员的先锋模范作用,团结组织群众,努力完成本地区的任务、部门、单位。

(二)组织党员认真学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,推行“两学一做”学习教育文化常态化制度,学习党的路线、方针、政策和决议,学习党的基本知识,学习科学、文化、法律、业务知识。 做好思想政治工作和意识形态工作。

(三)教育、管理、监督、服务党员,突出政治教育,提高党员素质,坚定理想信念,加强党性修养,严格组织党的组织生活,开展批评与自我批评,维护和执行党纪,监督党员 认真履行义务,确保党员权利不受侵犯。 加强和改进流动党员管理。 关心帮助生活困难党员和老党员。 做好党费征收、使用和管理工作。 按规定妥善处理不合格党员。

(四)密切联系群众,向群众宣传党的政策,定期了解群众对党员和党的工作的批评意见,了解群众诉求,维护群众合法权益,做好群众工作。做好群众思想政治工作,凝聚群众的智慧和力量。 领导本地区、本部门、本单位的工会、共青团、妇女团体等群众组织,支持它们按照各自的章程独立、负责地开展工作。

(五)教育培养要求入党的积极分子,定期做好党员发展工作,把政治标准放在第一位,严格程序、严明纪律,培养政治品格纯正的党员。 在党员和群众中发现、培养、推荐优秀人才。


(七)实事求是地提出党的建设和党的工作的意见和建议,重要情况及时向上级党组织报告。 教育党员群众自觉抵制不良倾向,坚决同各种违纪违法行为作斗争。


第十条 不同领域党支部根据实际情况承担不同的重点任务:

(一)村党支部全面领导村所属各组织和各项工作,围绕实施乡村振兴战略开展工作,组织带领农民发展集体经济,走共同富裕道路,引领村级治理,建设和谐美丽乡村。 贫困村党支部要动员带领群众打赢脱贫攻坚战。






(七)事业单位党支部确保改革发展监督正确方向,参与重要决策,服务人才成长,促进事业发展。 事业单位党支部发挥领导作用,对重大问题进行讨论决策。


(九)流动党员党支部组织流动党员开展政治学习,过好组织生活,进行民主评议,引导党员履行党员义务,行使党员权利,充分发挥党员作用。发挥他们的作用。 对于组织所属非党支部的流动党员的民主评议等情况,应当报告其组织所属党支部。


第四章 工作机制

第十一条 党支部成员会议是党支部的决策机构,由全体党员参加。 一般每季度举行一次。

党支部成员会议的职权是:听取和审议党支部委员会的工作报告; 按照规定开展党支部选举工作,推荐出席上级党代表大会代表候选人,选举出席上级党代表大会代表; 讨论表决接纳预备党员,预备党员转为正式党员、延长预备期或者取消预备党员资格; 讨论决定对党员的表彰、组织和纪律处分; 并决定其他重要事项。


党支部大会审议的事项应当在提交表决前经过充分讨论。 表决必须有有表决权的党员过半数出席。 如果赞成人数超过有投票权的党员半数,则通过。

第十二条 党支部委员会是党支部日常工作的领导机构。

党支部委员会会议一般每月召开一次,根据需要可随时召开,讨论决定党支部的重要工作。 党支部委员会会议必须有过半数委员出席方可召开。 重大事项一般应当经党支部委员会会议讨论后,提交党员代表大会决定。

第十三条 党员人数较多或者党员工作、居住较为分散的党支部,应当按照便于组织和开展活动的原则,划分若干党小组,成立党小组。领导人。 党组负责人由党支部指定或者党组成员推荐。



第十四条 党支部成员大会和党支部委员会会议由党支部书记召集和主持。 秘书长因故不能出席会议的,可以委托副书记或者委员召集和主持。 党组会议由党组组长召集、主持。


第十五条 党支部应当严格执行党的组织生活制度,经常、认真、认真地开展批评和自我批评,增强党内政治生活的政治性、时代性、原则性、战斗性。


第十六条 党支部应当定期组织党员参加党员大会、党小组会议和参加党课,定期召开党支部委员会会议。


党课要立足党员思想和工作实践,回应群众关心的问题,关注身边人谈论身边事,增强党员的感染力和感染力。 党员、领导干部要定期给基层党员上党课,党委(党组)书记每年至少上一次党课。

党支部每月在相对固定的日子举行主题党日,组织党员集中学习、过好组织生活、开展民主讨论和志愿服务等。主题党日开展前,党支部要认真研究确定主题和内容; 主题党日开展后,党支部要做好商定事项的组织实施工作。


第十七条 党支部每年至少召开一次组织生活会,一般在第四季度,但也可以根据工作需要随时召开。 组织生活会议一般以党支部成员会议、党支部委员会会议或党小组会议的形式举行。

组织生活会要确定主题,会前认真研究,谈心谈话,听取意见; 会议检查问题,开展批评与自我批评,明确整改方向; 会后制定整改措施,并一一落实。

第十八条 党支部一般每年对党员进行一次民主评议,组织党员进行合格党员标准比较、入党宣誓,并根据个人实际情况进行入党分析。

党支部按照个人自我评价、党员互评、民主评议的程序召开党员会议,组织党员进行评价。 对于党员数量较多的党支部,可以在党组范围内进行党员个人自我评价和互评。 党支部委员会会议或党员代表大会根据考核结果和党员日常表现提出考核意见。


第十九条 党支部应当经常开展谈心谈话。 党支部成员之间、党支部与党员之间、党员之间一般每年至少举行一次谈心谈话。 心与心的交谈要坦诚相待,交流想法,交换意见,有助于提高。

党支部要注重分析党员的思想状况和心理状态。 对家庭发生重大变化、遇到重大困难或者身心健康问题突出的党员,党支部书记应当进行心理疏导; 对受到处分或者有不良反应的党员,党支部书记要针对性地做好思想政治工作。

第六章 党支部委员会建设

第二十条 正式党员七人以上的党支部,应当设立党支部委员会。 党支部委员会由3至5人组成,一般不超过7人。



第二十一条 村、社区党支部委员会每届任期为五年,其他基层单位党支部委员会每届任期一般为三年。

党支部委员会由党支部成员大会选举产生。 党支部书记、副书记一般由党支部委员会会议选举产生。 党支部书记、不设委员会的副书记由党支部成员会议选举产生。 当选的党支部成员,报上级党组织备案; 党支部书记、副书记须报上级党组织批准。 党支部书记、副书记、委员出现空缺的,应当及时补选。 必要时,上级党组织可以设立党支部书记、副书记。

建立健全党支部按期换届提醒、督促机制。 根据党组织隶属关系和干部管理权限,上级党组织一般会提前6个月以信函或电话通知的方式提醒任期已满的党支部,做好换届准备。 确需延长或者提前期限的,应当认真审查,严格控制。 延期或者提前的期限一般不超过一年。

第二十二条 党支部书记主持党支部全面工作,督促其他党支部成员履行职责、发挥作用,搞好党支部委员会自身建设,并向党支部委员会报告工作、党员代表大会和上级党组织。

党支部副书记协助党支部书记开展工作。 党支部其他成员按照职责分工开展工作。

第二十三条 党支部书记应当具有良好的政治素质,热爱党的工作,具有一定的政策理论水平、组织协调能力和群众工作能力,敢于担当、乐于奉献,带头发挥先锋模范作用。和模范带头作用,当好党员和群众的带头人。 要在党内有较高的威信,一般应有一年以上的入党经历。

第二十四条 上级党组织应当结合不同领域的实际情况,突出政治标准,按照组织程序,采取多种方式选拔符合条件的优秀党员担任党支部书记。

Villages and communities should focus on selecting party branch secretaries from villagers with strong ability to bring wealth, demobilized veterans, economic and commercial workers, rural teachers, rural doctors, social workers, college student village officials, retired cadres and workers, etc. If there is no suitable candidate, the superior party organization may select party branch secretaries across regions or from agencies, enterprises and institutions. According to work needs, superior party organizations can select outstanding cadres to serve as first secretaries of party branches in villages and communities to guide and help party branch secretaries to carry out their work. They are mainly responsible for building and strengthening party branches, promoting central work, serving the people, and improving governance levels. Other responsibilities and tasks. Qualified village and community party branch secretaries can serve as directors of villagers' committees and residents' committees through legal procedures.

In government agencies, state-owned enterprises, and public institutions, the party branch secretary is generally held by the main person in charge of the department or unit, or other person in charge of the department or unit. Based on work needs, higher-level party organizations may select party members and cadres to serve as full-time party branch secretaries.

Non-public economic organizations and social organizations generally select party branch secretaries from among the management, and should focus on selecting party branch secretaries from business backbones. If there is no suitable candidate, the party branch secretary may be selected by the superior party organization.

Strengthen the construction of the reserve team of party branch secretaries, pay attention to identifying outstanding party members as reserve talents for party branch secretaries, and establish a reserve talent pool for party branch secretaries in villages, communities and other fields.

Article 25 The higher-level party organization shall regularly provide training to party branch secretaries, deputy secretaries and other committee members.

The training of party branch secretaries is included in the education and training plan for party members and cadres, and new party branch secretaries should be given on-the-job training. The Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China organizes demonstration training for party branch secretaries. Local governments, industries, and systems generally carry out rotation training for all party branch secretaries based on their affiliation with the party organization. Party branch secretaries shall participate in centralized rotation training organized by party organizations at or above the county level at least once a year. Pay attention to overall arrangements, prevent frequent participation in training, and ensure that party branch secretaries do their daily work well.

The training for party branch secretaries, deputy secretaries and other members should highlight the party's basic theory, basic policies, basic knowledge and basic requirements for party work, the party's fine traditions and style, party regulations and party disciplines, etc. Pay attention to the role of outstanding party branch secretaries in guiding and guiding.

Article 26: Pay attention to the selection of township and street leading cadres from outstanding village and community party branch secretaries, the examination of civil servants and the recruitment of personnel from public institutions.

Cultivate and establish advanced models of party branch secretaries, and commend outstanding party branch secretaries.

Article 27 Members of party branch committees shall consciously accept the supervision of higher-level party organizations, party members, and the masses, and strengthen mutual supervision.

Party branch secretaries should report their work to the higher-level party organization and the party branch party member conference every year, and accept evaluation and assessment. The assessment results will be used as an important basis for evaluation and selection.

Article 28: Establish a working mechanism to continuously rectify weak and disorganized party branches. For those who are not suitable to hold the positions of party branch secretary, deputy secretary or committee member, the superior party organization shall make timely adjustments. If there are problems such as canvassing and bribery in the general election, interference and infiltration by clan, religion and evil forces, the higher-level party organization should deal with them promptly and seriously.

Chapter 7 Leadership and Guarantee

Article 29 Party committees (party groups) at all levels should regard the construction of party branches as the most important basic construction, conduct regular research and discussions, strengthen leadership guidance, and effectively perform their main responsibilities. The county-level party committee shall study the construction of party branches at least once a year.

Secretaries of party committees (party groups) at all levels should take the lead in establishing contact points for party branch work, take the lead in conducting in-depth grassroots investigations and research, discover and solve problems, and summarize and promote experience.

Article 30 The organizational department of the party committee should regularly analyze and judge the construction of party branches, strengthen classified guidance and supervision and inspection, expand the number of advanced party branches, improve the level of intermediate party branches, and rectify backward party branches. Strengthen the standardization and standardization construction of party branches. Grassroots party committees should generally be equipped with full-time and part-time organizers to strengthen specific guidance on the construction of party branches.

The organizational departments of party committees at all levels should pay attention to understanding the daily performance of party members and cadres through party branches, and cadre inspections should listen to the opinions of the party branches where the inspection targets are located.

Village and community party branch secretaries are included in the registration management of the organization department of the county-level party committee.

Article 31 The work of village and community party branches shall be included in the inspection and supervision work of the county-level party committee.

Article 32: The construction of party branches shall be included in the performance evaluation and evaluation of party committee secretaries at all levels in the work of party building at the grassroots level, as an important basis for judging their performance of political responsibilities in managing and governing the party. If the party branch is not well established and various tasks are not implemented, the higher-level party committee and its organizational department should conduct interviews. If there are serious problems in the construction of party branches and party members and the masses have strong reactions, they should be seriously held accountable in accordance with regulations.

Article 33 Party organizations at all levels shall provide necessary conditions for party branches to carry out their work and provide funding guarantees. Strengthen the ability to guarantee the operating funds of village and community party branches, implement the remuneration and benefits of village and community party branch secretaries, and establish a normal growth mechanism based on the level of local economic development. Provide financial support for the work of party branches of non-public economic organizations and social organizations. Strengthen the construction of activity venues for grassroots party organizations in villages, communities, parks and other fields, actively use modern technology and information methods, and give full play to the comprehensive functions of office discussions, party activities, and provision of convenient services.

Party dues managed by party committees at or above the county level should be allocated to party branches in a certain proportion every year, focusing on supporting party branches in poor villages, party branches of state-owned enterprises in difficulty, party branches of non-public economic organizations and social organizations, party branches of mobile party members, and retired cadres and employees Party branches, etc. carry out party activities.

Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

Article 34 The grassroots committees and general branch committees of village and community parties shall implement these regulations.

Article 35 The Central Military Commission may formulate relevant regulations in accordance with these regulations.

Article 36 The Organization Department of the Central Committee is responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.

Article 37 These Regulations shall come into effect on October 28, 2018. If other regulations regarding party branches are inconsistent with these regulations, these regulations shall prevail.


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