福建省外办致在闽外籍人士倡议书 针对近期新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,福建省委、省政府高度重视,统一部署,已于1月24日启动了重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应,制定周密方案,层层压实责任,确保最严格的科学防控措施落实到位,全力维护人民群众包括在闽外籍人士健康安全。在此,我办谨向在闽外籍人士提出如下倡议: 一、关注权威信息 请登录国家卫生健康委员会官网http://www.nhc.gov.cn或福建省卫生健康委员会官网https://wjw.fujian.gov.cn,或关注“健康福建”微信公众号,获取新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情官方权威信息通报,也可致电卫生健康热线12320咨询相关信息。 二、做好自我防护 保持良好的个人卫生习惯,注意勤洗手。外出时佩戴医用防护口罩,废弃口罩规范投放。做好居家消毒,适当开窗通风,开窗时避免因室内外温差大而引起感冒。避免接触任何野生动物及禽类,减少生冷食物摄入,食用熟食。 三、减少外出活动 尽量不要外出,避免前往空气不流通或人员密集的公共场所。如确需外出,尽量避免使用公共交通工具。暂停聚会聚餐等群体性活动。 四、不适及时就诊 若出现发热、咳嗽、胸闷、乏力等症状,第一时间佩戴医用防护口罩到当地定点医疗机构就诊(各地设有发热门诊的医疗机构信息附后)。 五、配合联防联控 当政府、社区和医疗机构人员进行疫情防控登记询问时,请予以理解支持并积极配合相关工作。 福建省人民政府外事办公室 2020年1月29日 A Message to Expats in Fujian Province After the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and Fujian Provincial People’s Government have attached high importance and made comprehensive deployment. On January 24, Fujian Province activated the Level 1 public health emergency response. With well-conceived plans and the strictest possible prevention and control measures in place at all levels, the health and safety of the people including all expats in Fujian will be fully protected. Hereby, we would like to recommend the following practices to all international residents in Fujian: I. Use official updates instead of trusting false and unverified information. Visit the official websites of the National Health Commission (http://www.nhc.gov.cn) and Fujian Provincial Health Commission (https://wjw.fujian.gov.cn); Follow the WeChat account “jiankangfujian” for the most recent updates; Call the hotline of Fujian Health Commission at 12320 for relevant information. II. Protect your health. Practice good personal hygiene; Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water; Wear a surgical mask when going out and dispose of used masks to the designated garbage bin; Clean and disinfect your home; Maintain proper ventilation, but be careful not to catch a cold due to the sudden change of temperature; Avoid contact with wild animals or birds; Eat thoroughly cooked food instead of raw or undercooked one. III. Reduce or avoid outdoor activities. Minimize outdoor activities; Avoid poorly-ventilated or crowded places; Try to avoid using public transport when going out, and cancel group activities such as gatherings and dinings. IV. Seek medical care early. If you have fever, cough, fatigue, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately at a designated medical institution with a mask on (see the attached list of medical institutions with fever clinics). V. Join in our mass prevention and control efforts. Please cooperate with government or community personnel or medical staff if they inquire about your condition. Foreign Affairs Office Fujian Provincial People’s Government 29th January, 2020 |